Supportive Links

Below, are links that have supported either us as a family, or people we know who have struggled during parts of their life. The links below are ones shared by family friends of ours, who have used the services listed and found support from them.


Hub of Hope "A ground-breaking mental health database that has since become the UK’s biggest and most comprehensive mental health signposting tool"
Mentell Face to face and online talking circles for men over the age of 18.
Papyrus Prevention of Suicide in the young, including the 24hour Hopeline (0800 068 4141)
Survivors of Bereavement By Suicide (SOBS) Offering peer-to-peer support to those over the age of 18 impacted by suicide loss in the UK.
Stroke Information Helping those who have been affected by a Stroke.
Mindful Mums (South East London)  Free wellbeing groups that help pregnant women and new parents look after their mental and emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and their baby’s first year.
Coffee, chill & spill Women only (and baby) peer to peer support group, based in Stockport.
Mosaic drug & Alcohol support Support for young people under 26 experiencing issues with drug or alcohol use. 
Maggie's "Free support to anyone with cancer and their families who walk through our doors."
Sands Sands supports those affected by the death of a baby, before, during or shortly after birth, for as long as they need support.
Keystone Centre Supporting people in Cheshire East.
One Goal "Empowering children and young people to be more Healthy, Happy and Inspired."
Get Onside Mental Wellbeing Football A safe place for men and women to come and enjoy a non judgemental, no pressure game of football.
BOOST CIC Stockport "BOOST provides a range of free sport and physical activity sessions to support people with mental ill health and those who are socially isolated and lonely."
Kooth Mental health support for young people.

"The UK’s eating disorder charity. Founded in 1989 as the Eating Disorders Association, our mission is to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders."

Pure Innovations

"Moving away from statutory Mental Health Services is generally a welcome result of improvement. However, this can leave people feeling alone, overwhelmed and unsupported."

Somebody's Dad

For men living without their children in Stockport. Somebody's Dad provide a free one-to-one walking therapy for men in Stockport who are living without their children. This can be through the loss of a child or breakdown of a relationship. 
Great Minds Together

Great Minds Together support children and young people with special educational needs and social, emotional and mental health needs as well as their families and the professional networks around them. The age range of the young people we can support is 0 - 25 years old. There is no age range for support to their families. 

MODE Rehabilitation

Dedicated support services for military veterans and their families.